Our Activities Schedule
Our priority is to make sure that your children are safe while playing or learning at the center, and therefore, we implement innovative playfulness for our educational activities and encourage our staff to develop their skills.
Books and Literacy
Books allow children to learn new and exciting things. A wide selection of books and a quiet place for reading fosters a love of literature.
Puzzles & Manipulates
Small muscles in the hand are developed while handling and positioning puzzle pieces.
Blocks and Floor Toys
Manipulation of blocks (stacking, balancing, arranging and lifting) helps children develop gross motor and fine motor skills needed to develop the pincer grip. Blocks provide opportunities for expressing creativity, developing problem solving skills and familiarity with size, weight and shape.
Group Time
It is circle time for story and language development, music and movement activities, and other varied learning experiences. Children learn to respond to the needs of others while in a group situation.
Dramatic Play
Dramatic play grows from the experiences of the children and is a meaningful way for children to develop a sense of "make believe".
Sensory Play
Children develop in all learning domains as they explore, create, and play with these materials. Some of the material for sensory tables include: sand, water, rice (depends according to age groupwise)
Music & Movement
Music time is an important and fun part of the children’s day. As children move and sing they breathe more deeply delivering more oxygen to the brain. Music enhances mood, memory and attention, teachers incorporate various activities including movement and sing along to the program.
Children are free to explore various art and collage materials in this area. The children are encouraged to express themselves through different mediums with the focus on the process rather than the product.
Cultural Activities
Cultural pictures, puzzles, manipulative toys, books, dolls, dress up clothes, decorations, and music are incorporated to develop an awareness of the variety of cultures which exist in our society.
Loose Parts
Loose parts are open-ended materials that can be arranged, re-arranged and combined in many ways. The loose parts can include items from nature such as pine cones, sticks, rocks and seashells or synthetic items. Children are free to choose and create with any combination of materials. Loose parts allow for creative expression, imagination, risk taking, an understanding of cause and effect and problem solving.
Science and Nature
The nature and science learning centres include a variety of science tools, materials, and collections for children to explore and investigate. The materials in the classroom are chosen to support science concepts being explored based on children's interest and concern for our environment.
Steam Activities
Steam stands for Science Technology Engineering Art and Math. It allows children to explore materials in a hands-on and open-ended way. It helps children learn key skills including problem solving and creativity.
Mindfulness and Yoga
Mindfulness:This can help children to self-soothe. Being mindful can help children build self awareness and self esteem. Yoga is a way to exercise. Yoga poses and activities help improve children's emotional regulation, increase empathy, and improve mood and affect. Practicing yoga teaches children to be more mindful.
Naps & Quiet Time
Nap time is important for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and some kindergarten children. Infants sleep “on-demand”, based on their own schedule, children are encouraged to sleep, rest, or engage in quiet activities, according to their needs.
Outdoor Play
Outdoor play develops gross motor skills such as climbing, running, jumping and throwing. Outdoor activities develop spatial and body awareness. Children experience what it is like to fly through the air when they jump, what it uses to go under, around, through and over. A full knowledge of where they are in relation to the other objects and what they can do is essential before children can begin to be in full control of their body. Hand-eye coordination is an essential skill developed through these activities.